She uses her cyber-tentacles to obtain complete connectivity with your system. Once she gains
access, she swiftly and purposefully mines your system for financial records, company secrets
and client data.
Her reach is everywhere! She is able to infect multiple systems at once, gaining root-admin and
taking control of your system while locking you out.
Once Discordia has control of your system, she quickly spreads throughout the network,
infecting other connected companies that you conduct business with.
In 2020, Discordia was able to post the user identities of about 500 million people after
performing a data scrape of the ConnectUs website. This was called the worst breach of the
decade, and ConnectUs was forced to payout billions of dollars in a class-action lawsuit to its
clients. The scraped data included: Full names, Phone numbers, Social Security Numbers, Email
addresses, and client credit card details.